Usage Information
Preventive Measures for COVID-19

Cleaning, Sterilization and Disinfection of the Facility
When cleaning the facility, the entire building is thoroughly sterilized and disinfected by our staff, with special attention being paid to disinfecting doorknobs, remote controls and other equipment inside the facility.
We make an active effort to improve the air quality inside the facility by regularly cleaning and replacing the filters of air conditioners and ventilation fans.
We make an active effort to maintain hygiene and a sanitary environment inside the facility by regularly cleaning, sterilizing and disinfection common spaces, restrooms and other frequently used areas of the facility.
Equipment such as tableware and cutlery, as well as furniture like tables, chairs and beds/futons are thoroughly cleaned, sterilized and disinfected on a regular basis.

Health and Hygiene Management of Our Staff
Before attending work, our staff will measure their body temperature and refrain from attending work if it is equal to or higher than 37.5 ℃.
Our staff will frequently and thoroughly wash and disinfect their hands, as well as conduct other measures of maintaining hygiene, before, during and after work.
If any irregularities are detected concerning the condition of our staff's health, they will immediately inform us and undergo a physical examination at a medical institution.